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Living Your Best Young Life- Relationship Edition

Summer is coming up guys, and by the time you read this summer is already here! Read about what this means for you !

Living your best young life is something everyone needs to be reminded of & not just during the summer, ALL YEAR ROUND. Do you want to look back at your life when you’re in your 50s or 60s and regret not taking full advantage of this time in your youth. This is the time in our lives where we should be going out every Friday and Saturday night. I’m certainly not saying abandon your schoolwork and lose all home training, but just have a little fun. Living your best young life means different things to everyone so I’m just going to address the main one. Relationships...

"Everybody dies, but not everybody lives" - Drake

Attention: Any LGBTQ+ members reading this, specifically my trans readers, read both and pick and choose which concepts apply to you. I didn't forget about y'all!

Young Women,

If you are 14-19 YOU ARE NO ONE’S WIFE. That “ride or die'' mentality needs to go right in the garbage because it means nothing. If you are 14-19 you are not responsible for complying to the ridiculous requests of these boys. You don’t have to have sex before you’re ready, you don’t have to stick around for cheating and you certainly don’t have to stick around your half ass-ed affection. Stay single, stay focused on school and achieving all your goals. Boys will indeed be right there after all your ducks are in a row so don’t get caught up in the nonsense. Now to my young adults, you may be in a serious relationship but that doesn’t mean your anyone’s wife either. Hold on to your independence, don’t rely on a man for not a single thing. Have your own assets, have your own money, have your own savings account. Yes you can invest in the man you think it really worth it & I encourage you to love and build up any man you’re with but remain cautious. Don’t fall head over heels and ignore red flags. Listen to your gut and make sure you have your own.

Young Men,

Girls are guilty of the same things. If you are 14-19 YOU ARE NO ONES HUSBAND. Just like I told the girls, you don’t have to stick around for cheating or mistreatment either. And you certainly don’t have to buy no teenager expensive gifts, if you have the means to do so and you really want to by all means go ahead but it is NOT a requirement. You don’t have to have sex until you’re ready either, don’t let these females pressure you into anything you’re uncomfortable with. Sex related or otherwise, YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Always remember that, your life doesn’t entirely consist of providing and “being the man” you’re totally entitled to your experimental phase. Don’t let these girls stop you from seeing your friends on a normal basis, keep those relationships. Keep up with your schoolwork and hobbies, whether it’s video games, sports, or art. Girls will indeed be right there after all your ducks are in a row so don’t get caught up in the nonsense. Now for my young men, you may also be in a serious relationship. Don’t get caught up in being the sole provider in the relationship, save and accumulate wealth. If your lady doesn’t respect that you can’t splurge at the drop of her hat then LEAVE HER. Real women understand all men are a work in progress, and someone will support your goals and appreciate your efforts. This isn’t an all access pass to be an ass, but you have to do what you have to do for you. I also encourage you to have your own and save more than you spend (that’s how you accumulate wealth). Once again, don’t fall head over heels and ignore red flags. Listen to your gut and make sure you have your own.

Be careful not to lose yourself in any relationship you’re in, stay true to yourself and make sure you actively engage in taking yourself on dates. Being single is a wonderful thing, you have your whole life to be a spouse. In your youth focus on accumulating wealth, focusing on school & goals and being the best you possible.

Remember to love yourself, trust the process & live happier

LanaSpeaks, signing off 💕


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